Selecting audio

The selection determines what portion of the audio is affected by a subsequent command. Audio can be selected via the mouse, navigation bar, menus, or keyboard shortcuts. Note that Find Zero Crossing moves the selection start and end to the nearest zero crossing, so it's not necessary to do this manually.

Selecting via mouse
Within the view, position the mouse cursor over the point where the selection should start. Press the left mouse button, and while holding it down, move the cursor horizontally to where the selection should end, and release the left mouse button. The drag direction can be either left-to-right or right-to-left. During dragging, the mouse cursor changes to a double-pointed horizontal arrow.
Adjusting a selection via mouse
Position the mouse cursor over the starting or ending edge of the selection. The mouse cursor changes to a double-pointed horizontal arrow to indicate drag mode. Press the left mouse button, and while holding it down, move the cursor horizontally until the selection edge is in the desired location, and release the left mouse button.
Selecting numerically
The navigation bar's second and third edit boxes are the start and end of the selection, or in Show Length mode, the start and length of the selection. To enter or adjust a selection, click on the appropriate edit box, edit the value, and press Enter or Tab. Values must be entered in time format. To enable Show Length mode, press the Show Length button at the far right of the navigation bar.
Selecting via menus or keyboard
  • To start a selection at the audio cursor, use Edit/Start Selection or press the [ key.
  • To end a selection at the audio cursor, use Edit/End Selection or press the ] key.
  • To scroll to the selection start, use Edit/Goto/Selection Start or press Ctrl+[.
  • To scroll to the selection end, use Edit/Goto/Selection End or press Ctrl+].
  • To select all audio, use Edit/Select All or Ctrl+A.
  • To cancel the current selection, use Edit/Deselect or press Esc.