Zooming time

Time can be zoomed via the mouse wheel (Ctrl+wheel), time ruler (above the view), menus, or keyboard shortcuts.

Zoom via mouse wheel
Position the mouse cursor over the point of interest, and while holding down the Ctrl key, spin the wheel up to zoom in (increase time magnification), or down to zoom out (decrease time magnification).
Zoom via time ruler click
Left-click on the time ruler to zoom in, or right-click on the time ruler to zoom out. The mouse cursor's horizontal position on the time ruler specifies the point to zoom into or out of. The amount of zoom is determined by the horizontal zoom step size.
Zoom an area via time ruler drag
Position the mouse cursor over the time ruler, at one vertical border of the area of interest. Now press the left mouse button, and while holding it down, drag the cursor to the area's other vertical border. Release the left mouse button to zoom into the specified area. To zoom out of the specified area, hold down the Shift key while releasing the left mouse button. Selecting a smaller area causes a bigger jump in magnification. The drag direction can be left-to-right or right-to-left. During dragging, the cursor changes to a magnifying glass, and vertical dotted lines indicate the specified area. To cancel a drag, press Esc.
Zoom via menus and keyboard
To zoom into the audio cursor, select View/Zoom In, or press Ctrl++ (hold down Ctrl and press the "plus" key). To zoom out of the audio cursor, select View/Zoom Out, or press Ctrl+- (hold down Ctrl and press the "minus" key). The amount of zoom is determined by the horizontal zoom step size. To reset time zoom so that all the audio fits in the window, select View/Fit in Window, or press Ctrl+0.